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By default Linnworks assumes that orders in the fulfilment centre do not affect the current stock level as the current stock level is updated by the fulfilment centre (data feed or API) instantly after the order is moved to fulfilment centre from default (Use case 1). 

The assumption is that when you send the order to fulfilment center (move order), fulfilment centre will allocate the order to stock, recalculate the available stock level and feed it to Linnworks. This will update the stock level figure in Linnworks, therefore there is no need to substract quantities currently on order from current stock level. This only works if the fulfilment centre can provide up-to-date available stock information without delays.

Where the fulfilment centre feed is not instantly available or fulfilment centre only updates stock levels periodically with the snapshot, Linnworks can be configured to partially track stock for the fulfilment centre, i.e. substract stock when the order is processed and deduct currently on order items from the stock level (use case 2).

Use Case 1 – Linnworks does not track stock level.

1. Create fulfilment location
a. Go to Inventory > Location
b. Add new location FULFILMENT
c. Don’t mark it as Is Fulfilment location for the time being
2. Create new product PRODUCT A in Linnworks in Inventory > My Inventory
3. Select Default from Location dropdown box and set stock level for this item to 10
4. Then Select FULFILMENT location from dropdown box and set stock level to 5.
5. Go to Inventory > Locations and edit FULFILMENT location, mark it as Is Fulfilment Centre
6. Create new order (Order Book > New Order) for PRODUCT A
7. Go to Inventory screen and click on + sign to expand stock levels for PRODUCT A
8. You will see that the available stock level is 14 (i.e. 15 current in stock – 1 in open orders)
9. Go to My Orders find the new order, right click > Actions > Bulk Change > Move to fulfilment centre > FULFILMENT
10. Now the order is moved to fulfilment centre and the stock level for this item is effectively released. If you look under the inventory stock level for all locations (the same as step 7 and 8), you will notice that the available stock level is back to 15.
11. The available stock level is now 15, because Linnworks assumes that once you have moved the order to fulfilment centre location, the stock level feed from your fulfilment centre will deduct this new order from available stock level and provide 4 in the feed.

Use Case 2 – Linnworks tracks stock level.

1. Create fulfilment location
a. Go to Inventory > Location
b. Add new location FULFILMENT
c. Don’t mark it as Is Fulfilment location for the time being
2. Create new product PRODUCT A in Linnworks in Inventory > My Inventory
3. Select Default from Location dropdown box and set stock level for this item to 10
4. Then Select FULFILMENT location from dropdown box and set stock level to 5.
5. Go to Inventory > Locations and edit FULFILMENT location, mark it as Is Fulfilment Centre, also make sure you have ticked Orders in fulfilment location affect stock levels and Fulfilment centre order process will deduct stock. This will instruct Linnworks to partially track stock levels in fulfilment centre.
6. Create new order (Order Book > New Order) for PRODUCT A
7. Go to Inventory screen and click on + sign to expand stock levels for PRODUCT A
8. You will see that the available stock level is 14 (i.e. 15 current in stock – 1 in open orders)
9. Go to My Orders find the new order, right click > Actions > Bulk Change > Move to fulfilment centre > FULFILMENT
12. Now the order is moved to fulfilment centre and the stock level will be reported with currently in open orders deducted from available stock level. If you look under the inventory stock level for all locations (the same as step 7 and 8), you will notice that the available stock level is still 14.