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When multiple users run batch pilots on large groups of orders, invoices are being printed out multiple times and there are multiple logs for processing the order. This happens even though there are conditions set up on the batch pilot to stop invoices being printed if they already have.


The reason this happens is because, as suggested in the name, Batch Pilots run on a batch of orders. When one user selects a group of orders and runs a Batch Pilot on them, the orders are placed into a dataset for the Batch pilot to run on. This will then run through each order printing the invoices off, the labels, processing, etc. Once all of these actions have been completed the dataset of orders is saved, with references to the invoice being printed, order being processed etc being updated.
If one user is running a Batch Pilot and another user runs one on the same group of orders (or a different set of orders which still contains some orders from the first user's group) the dataset that the second user's Batch Pilot is using will not have been refreshed. Therefore it won't see that the order has already had an invoice printed, been processed, etc and will print an invoice.
The reason Batch Pilots are quicker is because they do everything in batch, including the saving of the orders at the completion of the batch pilot being run.


There is no 'solution' to stop the Batch Pilots from running multiple times on the same group of orders with multiple users as explained above. However, there are ways around this. The following are alternative ways to print invoices, labels and process orders quickly using Batch Pilots or other methods:
Separate orders into separate Open Order folders for different users. Each user can then use Batch Pilots on their own group of orders without worrying if they're going to cross over with someone else’s.Add the 'Print Invoice', 'Print Label' and 'Process Order' / 'Batch Process Orders' to the top bar in the Open Orders screen by double clicking on the bar above the Open Order screen. While they run slower than the Batch Pilots, having an easy-to-find button at the top of the screen stops the user having to search through the menus and also ensures that for each order the completed action is saved straight away.