This guide is a walk-through of the steps required to integrate Cdiscount Accounts with Linnworks.
1. Retrieve your API credentials from Cdiscount.
2. In Linnworks, go to Settings -> Channel Integration.
3. Click on Add New Channel -> Select Integrate next to CDiscount.
4. Enter your API Credentials and click Create.
5. Click on the Config button next to the newly created Cdiscount channel.
6. Click on the Allocate button to map the shipping methods.
7. Click Save.
1. Retrieve your API Credentials from Cdiscount.
2. In Linnworks, go to Settings -> Channel Integration.
Fig 2.1 Fig 2.2 |
3. Click on Add New Channel -> Select Integrate next to Cdiscount.
Fig 3.1 Fig 3.2 |
7. Click Save.
Fig 7.1 |
Information on mapping listings on Cdiscount to inventory items in Linnworks to keep stock levels in sync can be found in the following guide.