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Variations Phased Rollout [Closed]

The variations upgrade version is being rolled out through each account type over a progressive time period. All releases will also include changes made to the main release. Fixes are made on a more regular frequency than the main release meaning that reported issues will be quickly resolved.


There is a possibility that an error will occur within the open order screen after migration.
Updates Not Installed
Module Title Description
My Inventory Patch Updates must be Installed When opening My Inventory an Error Message "Invalid column nme 'VariationsGroupName'" is displayed. This message only occurs when a database has been migrated, but the updates have not been installed on the local Pc



23 October 2014 - Update  H546

Data Import / Export
Module Title Description
Data Import
Basic Import

When importing a new stock item if postal service was not included the item was skipped. Validation has been improved and when creating an item if the postal service is not defined, default will be assigned.

Stock Item Variation Import

Validation improved. It is not possible to set up an item as a child when it is already a parent. User cannot import items as children when they do not exist or parents when the group name has not been created.

Variation Group import

Validation improved. Variation groups cannot be remapped with a new sku. Also an item cannot be a parent if it is already a child of another variation group.

Resolved issue where old deleted skus got reactivated when creating variation groups.

Module Title Description
Categories Screen

Error handling for empty / null category name

Migrate to Anywhere

Automatic migration to Anywhere from Local is no longer available due to schema changes that must be applied before using anywhere. In order to migrate to anywhere contact support ( and we will migrate your database for you.

Order Manager
Auto Print

Resolved issue where autoprint would loop due to not filtering locked orders. Added extra validation to ensure Auto print cannot be called twice if already executing.

Module Title Description
End When Stock Revision quantity

Resolved issue where end when stock would not work if no max listed quantity was set

22 October 2014 - Update  H545

Data Import / Export
Module Title Description
Automation Import
Stock Level Update

Save button will validate the column mapping before saving the config.

Data Import
Basic Stock Item Import

A tax rate of -1 can now be imported. This will set the stock item to use the default country tax rate


Improved validation and error handling for the composition import

Extended Properties

Resolved issue with compatibility mode

Stock Level Import

Fixed an issue where users were able to import Null stock levels, causing an error

Module Title Description
Application Base
Sync Log

Log information of sync start and end.

Adding images (Local customers)

Fixed an error not allowing images to be added

Blank Rows

Blank/incomplete rows are automatically removed from Channel SKU and Linked Titles in the Edit Item screen

Edit Item

The description in Metedata will now display line breaks correctly if it was imported with line breaks from a CSV file.

Inventory Linking

Performance improved

K Type Limit Waring

Ebay have increased K Type limit to 3000. The original Linnworks warning message has been changed to reflect this.

My Inventory - Variation parent filtering

Added option to filter variation parent.

Product Categories Screen

Fixed a UI issue where non-default categories would sometimes become disabled.

Stock In

Validation added so the quantity booked in must be greater than 0

StockLevel Update

Resolved issue where stock level update failed when the username used for logging into Linnworks was too long.

Order Automation

Log when a macro is enabled or disabled.

Order Manager Coupon Validation

Coupon Barcodes will now validate when pressing action as well as pressing enter

Cancel Order - Refunds

Refunds will be correctly recorded against the order item when an order is cancelled and the refund value is unchanged (equals to order total).

Edit Open orders

New check added to avoid negative values as orderitem quantities.

Group Selection

The group selection tree view in Open Orders fixed to display the correct numbers against groups.

Open Orders Screen

Changes to Open Orders are now displayed correctly when an order tag is set.

Order Automation

Log when an order automation script is enabled or disabled

Order Notes

Improved error handling when refreshing open orders after adding an order note

Split orders manually

Resolved issue where child quantity in composites wasn't updated on the newly split orders

Order Location Allocation

Resolved issue where composite child items were not assigned to the parent item location when moving an order

Template Designer
Conditional Styles

Packaging Group Name conditional formatting now works

Printing Condition Allow operators LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN on FolderCollection variable when printing invoice conditions. Note that due to the methods required to save folder collections, IN and NOT IN operators will only work if brackets are included i.e FolderCollection NOT IN ('(folder name)')
Revert changes from Patch H512 due to incompatibility with other operators
Module Title Description
Mapping Tool

Fixed an error where applying a filter on IgnoreSync, then changing this value would result in an unhandled exception

Despatch note

Resolved issue where the ebay site code was not correctly submitted with the shipping information therefore tracking numbers may have the incorrect url due to locale

GTC Listing

Resolved issue where linnworks tries to relist and automatically relisted GTC listing

Inventory Sync

Fixed an issue where relists would fail for accounts with no SKU Mapping, with the error "Specified cast is not valid"

Mapping Tool

Fix issue where export Max Listed Quantity in the ebay mapping tool was showing a partial report

Assign Shipping Service

Fix the issue when the shipping was not assigned to the specified shipping tag on the order XML. The correct shipping service is now mapped to the shipping tag using the shipping code or the shipping line from the order xml

Order Sync

Resolved issue where shopify orders were saved with a wrong Reference Number. Linnworks was using the order name instead of the order number.

Module Title Description
Endicia Label Server
Endicia Label server - Config

Resolved error on load of config where the from address had not been populated yet

Print Test Label Button

Fixed error when unable to print test labels. Fixed poor quality/wrong size when printing test labels

16 October 2014 - Hotfix  H543

Data Import / Export
Module Title Description
Data Import
Constraints error

Resolved constraints error when deleting a variation group through the Data Import tool. If a Variation Group had associated Child SKU's a contraints error message was displayed and the item was not deleted.

A Variation Group will now be deleted and the relationship to the child SKU's will also be deleted. The child SKU's will remain as Linnworks Inventory items.

14 October 2014 - Update  H542

Module Title Description
Saving Orders

Resolved issue where order items are not saved when the item title is provided as null by Magento

13 October 2014 - Update  H540

Module Title Description
Tesco Shipping Mapping

Added shipping mapping to the Tesco FTP integration so that service codes from Tesco can be mapped to Postal Services in Linnworks

10 October 2014 - Hotfix  H538

Module Title Description
Main Application
Admin Permissions

Resolved admin issue on launching linnworks for domain users

09 October 2014 - Hotfix  H537

Module Title Description
Automation Jobs
Jobs on hold

Resolved issue where jobs would appear to wait for a long time before starting.

Jobs include.

  • Image Migration when moving from local to anywhere
  • Setting ebay items to be out of stock control (Script only)
  • Channel Price change
  • Order download for ASP.Net Storefront and Playtrade
  • Playtrade order despatch
  • Big commerce inventory revision

09 October 2014 - Hotfix  H535

Module Title Description
Order Manager
Process Order

Linnworks Database Update: When processing an order, the LastUpdateOperation provided in the stock level table gets truncated when the order reference number is too long.

02 October 2014 - Update  H530

Module Title Description
Shipping Labels

Added Special Instructions to the shipping label. This is achieved by adding an order note starting DN:

Parcel Force

Correct Address mapping for non-Ireland addresses. Linnworks will ignore the Region field for all shipments except those to Rebublic of Ireland, when Linnworks Region will map to ParcelForce Address Line 3

UK Mail
Daily Collection

Improve error message when no Daily Collection is selected


When reprinting labels, check if there are tracking numbers before creating new ones

Shipping Labels

Increase speed of printing labels

Split Packaging

Fixed bug where only first label prints when using split packaging

25 September 2014 - Update  H526 / H528

Module Title Description
Service API Update

Updated to most recent eBay API version

24 September 2014 - Update  H523 / H524

Data Import / Export
Module Title Description
Data Import
Missing Columns

Resolved missing column error for some customers where variationgroupname was migrated to the variationitem table

Module Title Description
Pop Ups

Resolved issue where popup would appear on incorrect screen when using multiple displays.

Editible Columns

Fixed issue where columns were available for variation parents where they should not be editable.

Module Title Description
Merged Order Despatch

Allow order despatch for orders merged down to twenty levels.

Price Change

Enabled Magento for price change.

Module Title Description
UK Mail
Account Type

Fix UK Mail error 'MailPackets' is not a valid value

18/19 September 2014 - Update  H520/521

Module Title Description
See main patch notes.


15 September 2014 - Weekly Patch H519

Module Title Description
Endicia Label Server See main patch notes.
Parcel Force

03 September 2014 - Weekly Patch H517

Module Title Description
Architectural change to variations

Architectural changes have been made to allow the ability to have a Linnworks Inventory Item exist in multiple variation groups enabling. This is for the purposes of creating multiple Variation Listings through LinnLive that can contain a mixture of the same inventory items along with reducing the number of extended properties through the use of shared properties on the Variation Parent SKU.