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This version is no longer supported, please use the following guide Tesco Direct Integration


Tesco Marketplace is an invite only market place which enables sellers to market their products on Tesco Direct. The integration allows the following functionality; download orders, updating orders as accepted, updating, sending despatch information, update inventory levels.

Please note, Tesco Direct Integration is an invite only marketplace and therefore Tesco will contact sellers who they wish to join the marketplace


1. Be an authorised Tesco seller by invite only
2. SFTP Server, Username and Password
3. Client Code
4. Seller Code
The sFTP, Client and seller code will be provided from your Tesco Marketplace account manager.

Quick Guide

Here's the quick version of the instructions, for those that are already comfortable with performing such installations. If you require full instructions please refer to the Detailed Guide.

1. Click on Settings -> Channel Integration -> Add New Channel.
2. Select Tesco from the list, and click "Integrate".
3. Input the Channel Name, sFTP Server, sFTP Username, sFTP Password, Client Code, Seller ID, and Default listing quantity, persentage and end when values.
4. Click on the "Test" button to ensure that the setup process is valid.
5. Click on Save to complete the setup of the Tesco Integration.

Detailed Guide

Here’s the full step by step instructions to setting Tesco with Linnworks. The steps have been broken down into the same sequence used in the Quick Guide.

1.   Click on Settings -> Channel Integration -> Add New Channel. Fig 1.1

  • On Linnworks, click on Settings.
  • Click on Channel Integration.
  • Click on the "Add New Channel" button on the top right hand side of the screen.
Fig 1.1 Settings

2.   Select Tesco from the list, and click "Integrate". Fig 2.1

  • On the Add New Channel screen, click integrate for Tesco.
Fig 2.1 Integrate

3.   On the Integration screen (Fig 3.1), enter the following information:

  • Channel Name - The name you would like the channel to appear as in Linnworks, for example: MyTescoChannel
  • sFTP Server - The Tesco sFTP Server
  • sFTP Username - sFTP Username
  • sFTP Password - sFTP Password
  • Client Code - The ClientCode provided by Tesco
  • Seller ID - The Seller ID provided by Tesco unique to your Tesco account

The options for the config screen are as follows:

  • Enabled - Whether or not the channel is enabled on Linnworks.
  • Inventory Sync - Whether stock levels for linked stock items will be updated on the channel.
  • Mark as Despatched - Tick this box if you want processed orders to be marked as despatched on the channel.
  • Inventory Update from Location - Update stock levels from a specific location. Leave this unticked to sync inventory from all locations.
  • Location Mapping - Used to enable inventory sync for the locations your require levels to be synced from.
  • Default Max Listed Quantity - The default maximum quantity that will be sent to the channel. Set to 0 to disable
  • Default Max Listed Percentage - The default maximum stock percentage that will be sent to channel. Set to 0 to disable
  • Default End When Quantity - The level at which linnworks will end the listing on Tesco Set to 0 to disable
Fig 3.1 Integrate


4.   Click on the "Test" button to ensure that the setup process is valid. Fig 4.1




  • If everything is okay, then the message box will prompt with "OK", otherwise, review the error message and try again.
Fig 4.1  Integrate

5.   Click on Save to complete the setup of the Tesco Integration. Fig 5.1


  • The save button is located on the top right hand corner of the Config screen.
Fig 5.1 Integrate