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March 2016

31 March 2016 - Hotfix P629

List of Changes
Rollback Data import

Desktop - Standalone data import old view link has been added back.

29 March 2016 - P628

Order Sync
List of Changes
Bug Shopify - Line discount calculation for 0 price items  Only apply discount if both discount and price are present
Bug Magento split order - Invoice is raised for each split   If raising invoices in Magneto is enabled, the system will no longer send multiple invoices for an order that's been split one or more times. 
Bug Shopify order sync - Default address   Updated Shopify to use customer's default address if the order does not have a shipping or billing address. 
List of Changes
Bug Scripting-Only Users on Autosync   Autosync - Resolved issue where if only scripts were enabled updates would not run and therefore block scripts from running 
List of Changes
Bug When one hits ENTER key in the EPOS screen, the system will add the very first item from the retrieved list of items to an order.  EPOS - Fixed issue with empty search returning results and adding first item that was returned. 
Channel Integration
List of Changes
Bug Remove Hitmeister integration from desktop 
Hitmeister can no longer be integrated into Linnworks Desktop  
Bug  Flubit - Default Max Listed Quantity maximum value  Removed the limit from Max listed 
Channel Mapping
List of Changes
Bug Import Inventory from eBay tool no longer imports EAN/UPC numbers    Updated eBay inventory import to support barcodes and also added barcodes to variations 
Template Designer
List of Changes
Bug Duplicate Predefined default templates in desktop   - Default templates can no longer be deleted
- When copying a template, a numbered copy is created, so as to not confuse between copies of a template 
Inventory Sync
List of Changes
Bug EKM Iventory sync issue   Optimized EkmPowerShop inventory sync:
1. The amount of requests made to EKM is now limited to no more than 80% of remaining requests;
2. If a request times out, two retry attempts will be made, after which EKM sync will be stopped and any successful submissions will be updated so that they are not made again. 
Processed Orders
List of Changes
Bug Order Refund - actioned date is not recorded 
The actioned date of a refund made in Linnworks desktop will now be saved in the database, allowing it to be displayed correctly in
Bug  Return will appear multiple times if two or more items are returned for an order on different days  Fixed an issue where returns / refunds would be displayed multiple times if order items where returned / refunded on different days;
Moved the 'Booked On' column to the order return / refund items sub-table. 
Data Import
List of Changes
Change  Desktop - Data Import  Linnworks Desktop Standalone data import - Due to all the imports now being available in the switch to old view has been removed.
Application Settings
List of Changes
Change  SSL Certificate authority  Updated security certificate
Tesco Listing
List of Changes
Bug Tesco Listing - Import Attribute File   Added an Import Attribute feature to the Tesco Listing Tool to correspond with the recently released Export feature. It should now be much easier to populate your items with data that meets Tesco's data standards 

15 March 2016 - P627

Order Sync
List of Changes
Bug Allegro Orders are downloaded with 0 item price  Fixed an issue where Allegro orders were sometimes being downloaded with a unit price of 0.
Bug Allegro Company field not saved in Order table. Allegro orders will now save the company field. 
Bug Magento order sync issue  Resolved an issue where Magento order options were throwing errors when saving the order. 
Bug Mapping location  Fixed an issue where some orders where not being mapped to the correct location.
Open Orders
List of Changes
Bug Different order packaging group is shown in Desktop and .net  Resolved issue where running a local sync throws an error related to dropshiping. 
List of Changes
Bug Tesco Listing Tool Bugs  - Suspending or Activating a listing no longer causes an un-handled exception.
- When editing an existing listing template, the Save and Submit buttons are now combined, preventing issues where changes saved in the DB don't ever get sent to Tesco.
- Warning Errors received from Tesco will now be correctly handled, appearing in the 'Listed' tab with a note to show they've been listed but with a partial error. An update can then be submitted from the Edit Template window.  
Feature  Update images and prices through Tesco product induction tool  Listing Images can now be easily updated through the Tesco Listing Tool 

01 March 2016 - Hotfix P626

List of Changes
Bug Dropship error on Local Sync Resolved issue where running a local sync throws an error related to dropshiping.