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Migrating to Enhanced eBay Shipping Mapping (June 2016)

Every eBay integration you have in Linnworks has it's own Shipping Mapping settings. These settings are used to map the shipping options that you offer on eBay with your Linnworks postal service methods. When an order downloads from eBay, Linnworks will check these settings to see what postal service method should be assigned to an order.

The way in which Linnworks maps eBay services to Linnworks services has been enhanced. This change is to move away from relying on postal service method tags, and will now store your mapping settings in  a seperate database table for each integration, so that each eBay channel can have it's own unique set of mapping. In order to make sure your Linnworks system is making use of these new improvements, you will have to migrate your shipping mapping.

    1. Go to Settings > Channel Integration (Fig 1.1)
    2. Click the Migrate shipping services at the top of the screen (Fig 1.2)
    3. Once loaded, you will be able to review all your existing mapping settings. These settings are taken from the tag based mapping configured in your Postal Service Methods (Fig 1.3)
    4. If you have more than one ebay integration enabled, use the selector at the top of the window to swap between your different accounts (Fig 1.4)
    5. Once you are happy that all your settings are correct, click the Migrate button. This will complete the migration for every ebay channel you have integrated. (Fig 1.5)

    Fig 1.1    Fig 1.2    Fig 1.3   

    Fig 1.4    Fig 1.5