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ekmPowershop ~ Config

Configuring ekmPowershop Integration


Once ekmPowershop is integrated with Linnworks it will appear in the list of channels on the Channel Integration screen.

From here it is possible to enable / disable integration, inventory sync for each individual channel as well as configuration and inventory mapping tools.



  • Clicking the Config button for a specified channel will bring up the Account Config menu for that channel.(Fig 1.1)
  • This is the same screen that appears when first setting up ekmPowershop integration. 
  • From here you can make changes to the settings, remembering to Test and Save when you have finished making any alterations.
Fig 1.1 



  • To enable / disable individual the channel integration within Linnworks, simply on the tick box. 
  • A Tick means that the channel is enabled in Linnworks
  • Whilst No Tick denotes that it is disabled

Inventory Sync

  • The same process applies to the Inventory Sync function
  • Clicking on the tickbox will toggle between enabled and disabled for Inventory Sync for the specified channel. 
  • A Tick means that Linnworks will sync inventory with this channel 
  • Whilst No tick indicates that it will not

Mark as Despatched

  • Use this option to set the shipped status for orders on the channel once they have been processed in Linnworks and a Sync has run
  • Clicking on the tickbox will toggle between enabled and disabled for Mark as Depatched for the specified channel. 
  • A Tick means that Linnworks will update the channel status for the orders to denote they have shipped
  • Whilst No tick indicates that it WILL NOT update the channel status for the orders to denote they have shipped
  • Please note that you also need to set the Linnworks Shipped status to match the Dispatched status on EKM in the Order Status Mappig window (fig 2.1).

Inventory Update from Location

  • If this option is checked then the Location Mapping screen will become available by clicking on the Location Mapping button. 
  • From within the Location mapping screen you can select multiple locations to combine the stock levels from to be submitted to ekmPowershop. 
  • The stock levels chosen are compared to the in 'Open Orders' figure to provide an available figure for the update when 'Inventory Updates' are enabled. 

Default Currency

  • Set the default currency for orders placed on this channel

Order status Mapping

  • Link the order status as defined on ekmPowershop to the methods available in Linnworks
  • Click on the Status Mapping button
  • The ekmPowershop Order Status Mapping dialog will be displayed
  • Map the required Linnworks Order status for each available ekmPowershop status
  • Click Save
Fig 2.1 

Shipping Mapping

  • Map the shipping tags from ekmPowershop  to the relevant Linnworks Postal Service Methods
  • The ekmPowershop tags will not appear by default, they will appear only when an order with the corresponding tag has been downloaded. 
  • Click on the Shipping Mapping Mapping button
  • The ekmPowershop Postal Service Mapping dialog will be displayed
  • Map the required Linnworks Service for each available ekmPowershop Tag
  • Click Save
Fig 3.1 

Default Max Listed Quantity

  • This specifies the maximum level that will be sent to the channel
  • The level published will never be higher even if there is more stock within Linnworks


Default Max Listed Percentage

  • This will send up a percentage of the current stock level. 
  • For example if you have 10 in stock and set the percentage to 50, 5 will be sent to the channel. 
  • Please be aware that Linnworks will always round down.


Default End When Quantity

  • This enables you to force the listing to end when the stock level gets to the specified amount as opposed to the default value of zero. 
  • Helping to give you a stock buffer so that you don't run out or oversell