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Install Linnworks Local Instance

Linnworks Local is no longer provided as a solution for new customers from 8th July 2013.

Please refer to the following documentation for Linnworks Anywhere


Linnworks can be installed and deployed as a local solution, meaning all the data is hosted on your side. You can install Linnworks local instance on your computer, so that all the data is residing on your PC.

It is also possible to install Linnworks on a PC on your network and connect to the centrally stored database over the network from multiple computers, creating a multi-user environment. By the same token the same applies to accessing Linnworks over the internet, however this would require some knowledge of some basic networking.

Note: With local instance you are completely responsible for your own data safety and accessibility. The same applies to any networking issues. Therefore, ensure you have appropriate backup and security in place

Installing Linnworks Order Management and Stock Control Locally.

If you are installing Linnworks for the first time. You will need to download Linnworks Local Instance installation from the Account Management System.

Note: If you already have Linnworks installed on a PC on the network and want to install a client application on another PC, DO NOT install Linnworks Local Instance Installation. Refer to Installing Local Client on the network.

The installation process is completely automated, you do not need to configure anything during the installation. Leave all pre-filled fields as is, including the screen asking you to specify database user name and password.

Linnworks will automatically install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express and start up FINAWARE instance. On some PCs this process might fail. You will receive an error message with the details of a problem. If Linnworks installer fails to install SQL Server, you will not be able to proceed with the installation. The most common problem is not up-to-date Windows. So, ensure you have all the latest updates installed, including Microsoft .Net Framework 2, which you can download and install directly from Microsoft.

Note: Installation problems are very rear, if you do have a problem installing the system, please contact technical support, we will be more than happy to help


Note: You cannot install Local Instance on Mac.

Running the system for the first time

  • The first step would be to specify Admin password. This is a password to access the system with admin rights.
  • You would then be prompted to go through the installation wizard. Follow the instructions on the screen to go through the configuration for the first time.