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December 2015

21 December 2015 - Release P618


List of Changes
Amazon Optimize Amazon Listing to handle large variation groups    Query is optimized. Error doesn't appear anymore   
Human-unfriendly error message attempting to process an FBA order    Resolved issue where attempting to process FBA orders gives a bad formatted error message   
Ebay Mapping tool - maximum listing quantity when a quantity is not set   The eBay Inventory Mapping window in the desktop client will now show the channel default Max Listed Quantity when a listing has no specific Max Listed Quantity. This brings it in line with what the equivalent screen in shows.   
OutOfMemory Exceptions     Internal change to avoid OutOfMemory exception on creating/revising/updating listings that happens when templates descriptions are extra large.  
Returns Resolved an issue that was preventing users who have a very large number of eBay returns from being able to sync them all simultaneously with our eBay Managed Returns tool.   
Hitmeister Improved account test  
Remove the Background Cannot delete image    Resolved an issue that was causing RemoveTheBackground to show an error on sync about failing to delete the image.   


List of Changes
Metapack Order split package weight Added the ability for scripting to add a custom weight to an order item in cases where the Stock Item has a weight of 0.   
UK Mail Order reference is too long for UK Mail API    Truncated the customers reference number to a maximum of 20 characters.   
Yodel Order tracking numbers from Yodel contain excess spaces    Removed spaces from tracking number   


List of Changes
 End of Day  Incorrect end of day report (net sales)    Resolved an issue with the EPOS system that was causing the Tax Summary of the End of Day report to be calculated incorrectly.   


List of Changes
Order Weight  Recalculation of Order Weight dependant on AppSetting    Added setting to allow for order weight recalculation to be skipped for existing orders for cases where a user wants order weight calculated through custom scripting
TotalWeight variable issue 
  •  Total Weight and Average Weight values will now be correctly displayed on Postage Manifests. (Does not apply to courier specific manifests, only the generic postage manifest functionality in Linnworks desktop).
  • When designing custom Postage Manifests, it's now possible to create proper printing conditions using the Total Weight and Average Weight variables. 
Open Order Filtering Error while filtering orders by a category with square parentheses  Resolved an issue that was causing Stock Item categories with square brackets in the name (e.g. [DVD]) to throw an error when a user attempts to filter by that category on the Open Order screen. 

09 December 2015 - Release P617

List of Changes
Hitmeister  Remove porting for Hitmeister integrations Removed forward/back porting from Hitmeister 
Amazon Deleting amazon channel should delete FBA stock location  From now on, when deleting an Amazon channel, FBA Stock Location will be deleted as well if it exists.  
Tesco Tesco Listing Tool Class Structure and Data Model update Resolved an issue with Tesco Product Induction failing due to the Listing Tool using out-of-date attributes lists for a number of categories.
Flubit Flubit mapping   Fixed the issue of error being thrown when update status is null 
EKMPowerShop Incorrect request offset.  Resolved an issue with EKMPowerShop order sync that was causing certain orders to not download - this was due to an issue with time-zones.
List of Changes
Packing Groups Packing group name validation - Duplicate Packaging Groups can no longer be added through the desktop client, either by adding a new row or by editing an existing Packaging Group.
- Prevented empty Packaging Group names being added, or existing groups being modified to be empty.
- Additionally, all blank spaces will be trimmed from the start and end of any added or edited Packaging Group names.  
Order Sync Tax is not recalculated when rate is set to 0  When the tax rate for an item is changed to 0 on the EPOS sale screen, the sale total will be recalculated to reflect this.