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March 2015

24 March 2015 - Update  H571

Module Title Description
Email Outbox

Fixed an issue where newer email templates for emails which have not been generated yet would not appear in the outbox when the number of templates to generate emails is above 100.

Extended Properties

The extended property type 'System' is now recognised as a valid type and will display accordingly on the Extended Properties tab. This will also allow the properties to be deleted using the Data Import Tool.

Inventory Linking fix for Tesco, Rakuten and Flubit

The issue when all items for Tesco, Rakuten and Flubit were shown as Not Linked is fixed

Re-order Low Stock

Fixed an issue where in some cases using the Optimal + Safety Stock option when creating a purchase order would result in an error.

Module Title Description

Resolved DML issue that occurred when re-enabling FBA from within the Amazon config

Progress reporting

Added additional progress reporting so that order saves are logged.

Channel Removed

Playtrade is not available as a new channel anymore.

Module Title Description
Endicia Label Server
Print shipping label

There was an error when printing the label for an order with unlinked items. The fix will retrieve the information for unlinked items from the order instead of the Inventory Stock Control

16 March  - Update  H570

Module Title Description
Location name issue fix

It was possible for location names to be null which could prevent use of the Locations screen. All unnamed locations will be set to 'Unnamed Location'

Purchase Order Conversion Rate

Purchase Order conversion rates can now be specified up to 6 decimal places before being rounded.

Purchase Orders

Parent Items can no longer be added to Purchase Orders. Attempting to do this will now result in the relevant number of Child Items being added to the Purchase Order.

When adding an item to a Purchase Order through the UI, any duplicate items added through the same method will now increase the quantity of the original item, not create a new entry.
Linnworks Web
Shipping Migration

Preparation for migration from desktop version to for printing Parcel force and Royal Mail shipping labels. Only available to Open Order BETA subscriptions.

Order Automation
Import/export automation

Resolved issue where importing orders did not trigger rules engine.

Template Designer
Consignment Manifest

Added consignment manifest template to template designer for use in Linnworks.Net

Module Title Description
New Channel Integration

Added CDiscount integration for BETA testing.

We are looking for 10 businesses with a Cdiscount account to trial our integration.
So don't miss out, contact us today -

Shipping Mapping

Carriers are now correctly assigned by name.

05 March - Update  H569

Module Title Description
Open Orders  Pick List Resolved issue when pick list included different items that shared a composite item, which caused the composite quantities to be incorrectly displayed.
Split function Resolved issue where splitting an order did not copy across order item options.
Settings Login Resolved issue where server settings were not reloaded after a database migration.
Updater Active Processes When multiple instances of Linnworks were installed on the same machine and multiple active users were signed in, the updater would require all instances to be signed out. This has been changed to only require the updating instance to close.
When the updater is waiting for an active process to close, it will now state the name of the active process.
Module Title Description
FBA Send Declared Value Enables the option to send the declared value of an item when assigning an order to be fulfilled from a different marketplace. By default this value has always been true, so the option in the config is set to true
eBay Ktypes update  Updated Linnworks/LinnLive with the latest version of eBay MVL/Ktypes and migrated the edit stock item screen such that it no longer needs the local file.
Module Title Description
Royal Mail
Address format
Amend format of German address to place postcode before the first non-empty value of Town or Region.

03 March 2015 - Update  H568

Module Title Description
Database Shipping API Shipping Integrations created in Linnworks Desktop made read only in Linnowrks .Net
User Settings New user settings table added for
Deleted obsolete objects in database