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eBay Price Sync

As of Hotfix H576, the Price Update feature will pass updates regardless of the method used to change them (Scripts, automated and manual imports, manual changes and Direct Database updates), provided that Price has a specific Source and SubSource value for that channel.

1. Enabling eBay Price Synchronisation

  • 1.1 Settings (Fig 1.1) -> Channel Integration. (Fig 1.2) 
  • 1.2 Select the 'Config' option corresponding to the eBay channel. (Fig 1.3)
(Fig 1.1)  (Fig 1.2)  (Fig 1.3)
  • 1.3 Tick the Update Pricing option (Fig 1.4)
(Fig 1.4)

2. How eBay Price Synchronisation works

eBay price synchronisation is designed to speed up the process of updating eBay once a Linnworks stock item has had its listing price manually updated and saved, once enabled the live listing will be updated automatically within 5 minutes of the change being applied in Linnworks.

Note : automatic eBay price updates only work where the country specific code has been added as part of the SubSource in the Listing Price
EBAY0 by itself will not work.
  • 2.1 Inventory Control  -> My Inventory 
  • 2.2 Find required Inventory item
  • 2.3 Click Edit Item
  • 2.4 Select the Listing Descriptions tab (Fig 2.1)
(Fig 2.1)
  • 2.5 Edit the price for the appropriate eBay channel, eg EBAY0_UK change price from 18.22 to 17.50 (Fig 2.2)
  • 2.6 Click Save to apply the changes
  • 2.7 Linnworks will submit the change to the queue of updates to push to eBay
(Fig 2.2) 
  • 2.8 Once the listing is amended the icon in the Listing Description tab will be updated to reflect this
  • Before (Fig 2.3) / Pending (2.4) / After (2.5)
(Fig 2.3)  (Fig 2.4)  (Fig 2.5) 
  • 2.9 Listing before (Fig 2.6) and after (Fig 2.7) update
(Fig 2.6)  (Fig 2.7) 
  • 2.10 When working with multiple lanuages the price for the appropriate subsource must be modified, eg in the example shown France would be EBAY0_FR