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eBay Managed Returns


If you have opted into the Managed Returns Functionality on your eBay accounts, you can enable this functionality in Linnworks to allow this to integrate with the existing returns system in the system.

Setting Up

For each eBay account that you have integrated and is opted in to the managed returns process, you will need to go to it's config and enable the managed returns functionality for that account. Once you have enabled this, the Managed Returns options screen will become available.



This screen has the following options:

Enable RMA

If you have set up your Managed Returns to require an RMA to be generated for customer returns, you need to enable this setting and then select an option for creating that RMA.

Order ID – Will use the Linnworks Order Id

Reference Number – Will use the eBay Reference Number stored in the Linnworks order

External Reference Number – Will use the eBay secondary reference number stored in the Linnworks order.

Generated – Will generate a random RMA reference for you to use.

Enable Alternative Shipping Address

If you have enabled an Alternative return address for your account then you need to enable this setting and then enter the address in the fields above.

Once you have completed this and saved the account then the account is ready to start bringing down the eBay Returns into Linnworks.

Using the Functionality


Once a return is raised by eBay via the Sync process, the return will appear in the Returns Refunds screen. Returns that have been generated via the Managed Returns functionality will have an eBay logo in the Return Tag column. Clicking the action button will display the known details for this return including Tracking information and the returns requested by the customer. 
Once you have received the item back from the customer and wish to process the refund, click the Issue Refund button to process the refund to eBay. Once this is done, the return will be converted from a Return Booking to a completed Return.