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February 2014

26 February 2014 - Hot Fix H474

Module Title Description
Open Orders Fix for Open Orders Refresh Error

Fix for refresh of folder structure in Open Orders causing following error
"Procedure or function Get_OpenOrder_Folders_UppdateTime_Q has too many arguments"

26 February 2014 - Weekly Patch H473

Module Title Description
Data Import Tracking Number Error

Object not set error was thrown if an order does not have a packaging group assigned when using the Import Tracking Number automated importImproved error messages and resolved issues with showing incorrect errors

Inventory Edit Stock Item Add stock item image now defaults to all supported formats. 
Stock Item History Sequence The sequence of stock item history has been corrected
Order Book Returns Return Quantity is validated so that it is not possible to create more returns that items ordered.
Permissions Order Folder  Users with restricted access to open order folders can no longer see or edit all folders in the folder manager pop up 
Financial Summary Add Financial Summary to user permissions
Amazon Order XML Save Resolved issue where XML would be missing if there was a save error.
  Webstore Inventory Mapping Fix Fixed issue where the incorrect web service would be called for Web Store accounts
PayPal Transaction Date Range Resolved issue where all orders were being downloaded rather than all those since the last sync.
PlayTrade Relist Listing Adjustments made to correct for change in PlayTrade API.
Priceminister Order Date Format Resolved issue where the computer locale would not be resolved causing date format to be incorrect.
Generic Postage Order Folder Resolved issue where order folder would be displayed in designer but not get printed.

20 February 2014 - Hot Fix H472

Module Title Description
Open Orders Refresh error Message

Resolved issue where open orders was displaying Index out of bounds error

19 February 2014 - Weekly Patch H471

Module Title Description
Advisor Improvements

Improved error messages and resolved issues with showing incorrect errors

New/Edit Order Permissions Updated permissions on the new order screen to reflect permission description
Open Orders Auto Refresh Fixed issue with open order refresh not working correctly
Stock Change Multiple Accounts Changed PO stock change message so it won't be truncated due to field length
Amazon Amazon Webstore Resolved issue with Amazon webstore where the account could not be integrated if there wasn't a main account
Big Commerce Order Sync Resolved issue where time offset caused missing orders
EKM Powershop Order Sync Resolved issue where time offset caused missing orders
Fruugo Error Handling Improved error handling on fruugo channel
UPS Error Handling Resolved issue with error handling when integrating UPS

02 February 2014 - Weekly Patch H470

This week we are introducing Amazon pricing updates for customers that are on Autonomous Sync. This works in the same way that the recent eBay pricing updates work, but also has the ability to implement a sale price on top of the main price.
To find out more about how to change Amazon Prices from Linnworks, see the table below.
Module Title Description
Auto-Sync 1 Minute Remaining

If Linnworks loses internet connection with time still left before the next automatic sync, it will wait at '1 minute to go' until a connection has been re-established.

Data Import  Composition Import  Ensure that only distinct rows are inserted on the import. 
Fulfilment Centre Automation
Order Export
Quote escape characters were only working on the test. They now work for the actual export.
MeanRepricer   Multiple Accounts Resolved issue with syncing multiple accounts 
Stock In Help Button Help Button points towards correct documentation link,
Endicia Dazzle Default Settings  Fixed issue in which error was thrown when clicking default settings button when no path to the application existed.
Geopost Unlinked Item Categories Null Exception Fix for items that do not have categories
Interlink Invoice Value Invoice value is now correctly used for Interlink international services.
UK Mail Consignment Weight Update to UK Mail to check if consignment weight is 0 and to use Default Weight if it is 
Amazon  Country Code Null Exception Fixed unhandled error on FBA where country code is not found 

Amazon Pricing is now available for autonomous sync customers. This allows Price and Sale Price to be updated to Amazon from the Listing Descriptions tab within Stock Item Edit.

eBay Advisor Step Added the inner process step to the eBay Advisor Error to make it more useful.
EKM Powershop Order Phone Number Linnworks now saves phone numbers from EKM orders.

07 February 2014 - Hotfix H469

Module Title Description
Automated Data Import Compostion Import

Composition import sets parent item to not tracked.

Batch Pilot Order Process  Insufficient stock error will no longer be triggered for newly created batch pilots 
Data Import
Image Import Duplicate Headers
The Image Import has been updated to provide more detailed error messaging when column header is repeated 
Open Orders  Open Orders Config Added a dropdown list to select date format
Order Folder Script Assign Resolved issue where orders that had been assigned to a folder via script were not updated until the open orders screen was restarted.
Processed Orders  Quantity DBNull Error on Reprint Invoice  Resolved error in which a dbnull error was thrown when reprinting invoices 
Geopost  Email Address and Contents Added email address and contents to non-direct consignments.
ZPL White Space Removed spaces from Interlink ZPL graphics
Amazon Inventory Feed Confirmation Handled issue in which Amazon does not provide confirmation for a submission causing Linnworks to keep resubmitting.

06 February 2014 - Hotfix H468

Module Title Description
Open Orders Order Merge

Resolved Marker null error on merge

Geopost Manifest Fixes and International Validation Updates to the Geopost manifests to remove some spaces and further validation for international services.

05 February 2014 - Weekly Patch H467

This week we have introduced a few minor fixes as well as a performance increase to the open orders screen.
Module Title Description
Open Orders Merged Tags

If two orders are merged that have the same open order tag, the merged order will retain the tag 

Merge Parked Parked orders will no longer be auto merged.
Stock Item Lookup  Scroll bar double click  The double click event for the search control was being activated even if the click is on the scroll bar. This caused inadvertent selection when clicking the scroll button repeatedly. 
Template Conditions  Guid Handling  Template Conditions now handle type guid. 
PlayTrade PlayTrade tax calculation  PlayTrade tax will be calculated on autonomous sync.