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December 2014

16 December 2014 - Update  H558

Module Title Description
Rules Engine

Updated Rules Engine to include additional evaluation fields and types.

Module Title Description
Interlink Shipping Label

There was an issue when trying to print an order with unlinked items or services. The fix will allow to print labels for orders with unlinked items where Interlink does not require additional parameters.

Weight Minimum package weight calculation for orders with multiple items updated to work with 0.1kg limitation.
Module Title Description
New configs New Configs

More functionality (config restructure added) and more error control in new configs.

Database Index Five new indexes to improve overall performance.

10 December 2014 - Update  H557

Module Title Description
Amazon  FBA

Resolved issue where it was not possible to move some orders cancelled on FBA out of the fulfilment location in Linnworks - Open Orders.

Carrier code Yodel has been added as a new carrier code. From now on, orders with a Yodel service will be sent to Amazon with the appropriate carrier code.
EKM Order sync Resolved issue where orders were not downloaded or despatch notes were not submitted due the fact that account call limit was exceeded. Throttling for EKM has been implemented.
Fruugo Mapping Screen Resolved issue where not all listings were shown in the mapping screen.
Module Title Description
Open Orders Order notes

Resolved issue when editing order notes throws an unhandled exception.

Print generic labels The local label margin were applied when global label was selected. The fix will not consider the local margin label on global label.
Pick list Resolved issue when a wrong pick list template was used, even though another one was selected. 
Region Resolved issue where formatting address was ignoring the order region.
Inventory Control Stock count  The 'Delete' button now has a more detailed confirmation message which explains that the entire stock count will be deleted.
Data import Basic product import Validation for Packaging Group added. If the packaging group included in the import file does not exist or has been deleted, the validation will fail.
Module Title Description
DPD Manifest

Sometimes the Manifest window was place behind the Linnworks window. The fix will set the Manifest placement on top of Linnworks screen.

Endicia label server Process order weight If the order weight is adjusted manually, there is not already a shipping label and there is no split packaging, the manual weight will be used.
Config Added the buttons "Reply Postage" and "Change Password" to the configuration window.
Label/printer mapping Endicia now allows the use of decimals in margins. 
Order weight Weight was not being correctly calculated when order item quantity was greater than 1. This issue has been now resolved. 
Module Title Description
New configs New Configs

Resolved issue where a broken method did not allow to open the config screen for Tesco and Flubit.

Database Index Two new indexes and two index updates to improve overall performance.

4 December 2014 - Update  H556

Module Title Description
Interlink Split package

The system will allow to split the order in packages giving a unique tracking number per package.

3 December 2014 - Update  H555

Module Title Description
Amazon Logging FBA Shipped Orders

Resolved issue when logging FBA shipped orders which was skipping orders from Amazon Japan accounts. 

Resolved issue when logging FBA shipped orders for a webstore account. Webstore orders were saved with the wrong subsource.

eBay Mapping Fixed an issue where in some cases items created via the eBay mapping screen would have randomly generated SKUs even if the listing has a custom label.
Fruugo Mapping Screen Performance has been improved.  Further validation has been added so null or empty ChannelReferenceIds are not allowed.
Module Title Description
My Inventory Stock Value

Resolved issue when updating composites stock level, the stock value was being updated for the parent and the children at the same time.

Inventory Control Stock Count Resolved issue where deleting a stock count row throws an unhandled exception.
Stock Location Delete Resolved issue where deleting your current location did not reflect in AppSettings > 'My location'. The Location will be now set as Default when this happens.
Processed Orders Fix for Processed Orders with no Items or Audit trail Unhandled exception thrown when expanding the sub grid on the processed orders screen. This exception was thrown when an order with either no items or no audit trail was expanded.
Module Title Description
New configs New configs introduction A change to the architecture and in particular to the way how channel configs are stored. Basic data from all configs will be populated in new dedicated tables and will be accordingly updated on appropriate events.