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eBay Click & Collect


With Click & Collect, you dispatch orders exactly as if they were home deliveries. The only difference is you address the parcel to the buyer's chosen Argos store rather than their home address.

How It Works

  • eBay automatically add Click & Collect to all your eligible listings
  • You need to offer FAST & FREE  with an eligible carrier and service
  • Approved services can be found here
    • The selected shipping service must meet eBay terms and conditions as part of the Click & Collect service
    • eBay do not allow merchants to charge buyers for shipping when using Click & Collect
  • A buyer purchases one of your items that is eligble for Click & Collect
    • The buyer selects a local Argos store for delivery of their purchase(s)
  • Linnworks downloads the order
  • The delivery Address is automatically updated to be the selected Argos store
  • The 6-digit unique identifier code is applied as part of the address information
  • Pick, pack and print the shipping label from Linnworks as you would for any other shipping service
  • Process the order and on next sync Linnworks will send Despatch notification to eBay

Points to note

  • Other than checking the delivery address there is no way to identify an eBay Click & Click order
  • The paypal address will not overwrite the delivery address
  • Shipping mapping will apply in the same way as is does for all other eBay orders
  • Order Automation Scripts that assign shipping services will work using the rules defined within the script
  • Orders for mulitples of the same SKU from one buyer at the same time will be merged into a single order
  • Orders for multiple unique SKU's from one buyer will create a unique order for each SKU
    • Do not modify the address in Linnworks in an attempt to merge these orders as the 6-digit unique identifier code is required by Argos/eBay to be match to the original order on eBay


To submit new listings to be included as part of the Click & Collect Program set the option in the payment section of your ebay configurator