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Get Social

The Get Social area of the Linnworks account page allows users of Linnworks to intreract with other users through various means of communication

1. Forum

The forum is designed to allow registered Linnworks users to post questions that can then be answered by other registered Linnworks users and employees of Linn Systems Ltd

  • To be able to post of the Linnworks forum a login is required
  • A single forum login is available per Linnworks account 
  • To create a Forum Login, Click 'Create Forum Account' (Fig 1.1)
  • If the login is already registered click on the 'Forum' link to be redirected
  • The password for the forum is the same one as used to Login to your account page
  • If you can not remember your Forum username
    • Click 'View/Edit account details'
    • Your Forum username will be displayed
Fig 1.1 

2. Uservoice

The Uservoice is a place to suggest and share ideas for things that you would like added to Linnworks

3. Facebook

A link to follow us on facebook

4. Twitter

A link to follow us on Twitter

5. Iwoca

Iwoca are a partner of ours that offer funding to help companies grow