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Keeping track of non-stocked items

Linnworks allows you to keep track of non-stocked items i.e. products that you not necessarily have in physical stock but rather have them available on demand from the supplier or stock some quantity locally and have constant access to supply.

To track stock you don’t actually stock internally in Linnworks you need to create an additional location for a product you wish to track, and add maintain stock level for the product in that location. If you don’t receive the stock levels from your supplier you can specify arbitrary stock level (i.e. 999) which by definition assumes that your supplier always have this product available.

To set it up follow these steps:

  • Enable multiple locations in Settings > Application Settings > set Use Multiple Location option

  • Create new location, in this case it will be the name of your supplier. Go to Business Admin > Locations.

  • Now you can create additional stock level for the item (i.e. the stock item will in effect have two stock levels, one in default location – which is your storage, second is at the supplier)

  • After you created a location none of the stock levels for any of the products will exist in this location. You need to import this stock levels with Location column specified or the easiest option is to raise a new purchase order, add all products you want to track secondary level for, to the purchase order items, and mark it as delivered into the newly created location. Set totals of the purchase order to 0.00 to avoid confusion.

Note: When the system updates stock levels and inventory information on external channels (eBay, Amazon, websites) it will sum up all stock levels in all locations to the total availability.

This functionality is very useful if you have some stock items which you stock locally only, some which you stock locally and which are always available from supplier and you have some which are order-to-order, you can set up additional location for the stock item level so that when Linnworks updates external channel inventory (eBay or Amazon) it actually thinks you have the sum of both, your stocked level and at supplier.