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Stock level is not tracked or dependent on the stock level of composites. This is typically used for products that are made up of several other ones. For example you can create a stock item composition titles “Basket of goodies”, add composites Goodie 1 and Goodie 2. You don’t actually stock Basket of Goodies in stock as a physical product, instead you stock Goodie 1 and Goodie 2 as separate items (you might also be selling Goodie 1 and 2 as a separate product or a composite of another product). Therefore Basket of Goodies should be set to not tracked - resulting in the stock level for this product is a minimum stock level of Goodie 1 and Goodie 2. Not Tracked products don’t show up on any of your dashboards, they also don’t have stock level indicators.

To set the product as Not Tracked

  • go to Inventory Control > My Inventory
  • Find the product that you want to set as Not Tracked
  • Press the + on the left of the stock item, to expand all location
  • Duble click on the circle in the "Tracked" column.

In the "Tracked" column, if the round symbol is green then tracking is enabled. If the round symbol is red then it means tracking is disabled.