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EPOS Settings


Clicking the EPOS Settings button in the Buttons panel allows for configuration EPOS, the screen is broken into the following tabs for ease of use

General Settings



  • Country ~ Select the country location for the EPOS Store from the drop down
Fig 1.1 



  • Order Currency ~ Set the Order Currency used by the EPOS Store. eg GBP, USD, etc
  • Currency Sign ~ Set the Currency symbol used by the EPOS Store. eg £, $, etc
Fig 1.2 



  • EPOS Location ~ Select the Linnworks location (warehouse) to be used when deducting stock for orders processed using the EPOS Store
Fig 1.3 



  • Item Tax ~ Tick this option to set the order tax to be inclusice or exclusive of the retail price for the EPOS Store
Fig 1.4 

Store Properties


  • EPOS Store Name ~ Give the store a friendly name for identification purposes
  • Store VAT Rate ~ set the tax rate used by the EPOS Store, useful for stores in multiple countries
  • Use Store Rate ~ select between using the Store VAT rate and system VAT rate as stored in Linnworks
  • VAT Term ~ Set the term used on receipt when displaying the Tax charged
Fig 1.5 

Receipt Properties


(Fig 2.1)

  • Logo Image ~ Use the Select Image button to set the company logo to be displayed at the top ofthe receipt
Fig 2.1 


(Fig 2.2)

  • Header Text ~ Enter the text to be displayed at the top of the receipt
  • Footer Text ~ Enter the text to be displayed at the bottom of the receipt
Fig 2.2 

Printer Settings

(Fig 2.3)

  • Print Receipt ~ Select whether EPOS will print the receipt or not by default on completion of the transaction
  • Printer Name ~ Select the printer to be used from the drop down
  • Roll Width ~ Set the width of the roll of paper used in the receipt printer
  • Date Time Format ~ Set the format of the date as printed on the receipt, eg dd-mm-yyyy HH:mm:ss
  • Show VAT ~ Select whether to display VAT/Tax on the receipt
  • Print Username ~ Select whether to include the name of the user logged in to EPOS on the receipt
Fig 2.3 

Events Settings 

Cash Drawer

(Fig 3.1)

  • Executable ~ Enter the the full path and file name for the batch file used to open the till drawer
  • Arguments ~ If the batch file requires any command line parameters added as arguments, include these here
Fig 3.1 


(Fig 3.2)

  • Executable ~ Enter the the full path and file name for the batch file/application used to control the card reader
  • Arguments ~ If the batch file requires any command line parameters added as arguments, include these here
Fig 3.2 

Customer Facing Screen

Image Presentation

(Fig 4.1)

  • Show ad presentation ~ Select to display slide show to customer
  • Presentation Image Slides ~ File Path for folder containing images
  • Select Folder ~ Browse for folder containing images
Fig 4.1 

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