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Feature Buttons

Feature Buttons


  • By clicking the Buttons panel on the left of the screen, a new panel will open showing a list of features
  • These are detailed below
Fig 1.1 

Print Receipt 


  • Allows the user to print a customer receipt for an order that has not yet been finalised. 
  • The system will print a receipt showing details of what is in the order list at the time the button is pressed. 

Open Drawer


  • Opens the cash drawer to also the user to access the money without having to make a sale

Clear Sale


  • Click to clear all items in the active Order List
  • Confirmation dialog will displayed (Fig 2.1)
  • Click Yes to remove all items
Fig 2.1 

Park Sale


  • Click to clear all items in the active Order List and save for later use
  • Confirmation dialog will displayed (Fig 3.1)
  • Click Yes to park the sale
Fig 3.1 



  • Click to view sales that have previously been parked (Fig 4.1)
  • Click Delete All to remove all previously parked sales
  • Click Delete Selected to remove a single previously parked sale
  • Click Select to load a previously parked sale, the active sale will be lost
Fig 4.1 

Customer Details


  • Click to add customer details to the active sale
  • A dialog to enter the details is displayed (Fig 5.1)
  • Enter the required details and then click off the dialog
Fig 5.1 

Load Customer


  • Click to load details for a returning customer and link the current EPOS order
  • This allows you to track sales through EPOS and also validate coupons.
  • A dialog to search for a customer is displayed (Fig 6.1)
  • Enter the name of customer, click Go
  • Double-Click on the required customer to select
Fig 6.1 

Total Discount


  • Click to apply an overall discount to the EPOS order
  • A dialog with a keypad to enter the discount is displayed (Fig 7.1)
  • The value is worked out using percentage
  • Enter the discount, click Ok
Fig 7.1 

Cash Reg


  • Click to open new screen to display summary totals for cash and card transaction and view more detailed reports (Fig 7.2)
  • Click Current Cash Report to open a browser window to view a list of all transactions since Start New Day and summary totals
  • Click End of Day Report to open a browser window to view a detailed report for all transaction totals for the whole day
  • Click End Day to force the EPOS system to start a new business day, any transactions made after tapping that button will be added to the next day’s sales
  • Click Start New Day to set up EPOS for a new business day
  • Click Exit to close the Cash Register screen
Fig 8.1 

Cash In / Cash Out



  • Click to open new screen with keypad to change the amount of cash in the till drawer without making a transaction
  • This could be necessary when the till does not have enough or the right change, or there is too much money in the till and some needs to be dropped




  • The Linnworks EPOS system allows the user to refund a previous transaction.
  • Click on the Refund button, to display the Refund screen (Fig 9.1)
  • Scan the barcode from the bottom original receipt (Fig 9.2)
Fig 9.1   Fig 9.2   



  • Select the item(s) requiring refunding and enter the amount to be refunded (Fig 9.3) via the pop up number pad
  • Click OK
  • Click Refund
  • Select Refund payment method
  • A refund receipt (Fig 9.4) will be produced
Fig 9.3   Fig 9.4  

Cust Screen


  • The Cust Screen allows for selection of which screen is displayed to the customer
  • Select the required screen from the list (Fig 10.1)
Fig 10.1 

EPOS Settings


  • Opens a new screen to configure detailed settings such as
  • Genreral Settings ~ Currency, Location, Tax
  • Receipt Settings ~ Logo, Header/Footer Text, Printer
  • Events ~ Till drawer, Card Reader
  • Customer Facing Screen ~ Presentation settings
  • Detailed documentaion can be found here


Close Buttons


  • Click to hide the EPOS buttons


Print Coupons



  • The print coupons button allows for printing of coupons from within EPOS using the receipt settings
  • Printing coupons will create a new instance of the particular coupon with a randomly generated barcode and tied to the customer currently loaded, if loaded at all
  • If printing a new account coupon you can specify the balance of the coupon
  • Select the coupon from the List (Fig 11.1)
  • Enter the required number 
  • Click Print to generate coupon (Fig 11.2)
Fig 11.1      Fig 11.2     



  • Click to Exit EPOS
  • Note this will not perform an End Day action


See Also

  • EPOS
  • EPOS Settings
  • Knowledge Base topics