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Making a Sale

Making a Sale

Adding Items

  • The box at the top of the page is a scan field. 
  • Enter the product ID, either the Linnworks SKU or Barcode
  • Ensure the scan field is selected (to check this, make sure the flashing cursor line is in the box)
  • Scanning a barcode will enter the barcode number into this box (Fig 1.1)
  • If a scanner is not available, the code can be entered manually by typing
  • The item is automatically added to the order list (Fig 1.2) and the scan field is highlighted ready for the next item
Fig 1.1 Fig 1.2

Order List

  • The white box in the center of the screen is the order list
  • The order list is where all scanned items are displayed for the active order 
  • The order list provides detail on Product SKU/Title, Quantity and Price
  • Each item is displayed on its own row in the order list (Fig 2.1)
Fig 2.1  

Order Total

  • The order cost information is displayed at the bottom right of the screen (Fig 3.1)
  • The total value of the sale is displayed
  • The total value is is sum of the products, the total amount of tax being paid, the sum of any discounts that have been added
Fig 3.1  

Editing Items

Changing Quantity

  • Click on the Quantity for the item to be changed
  • A window will be displayed with a Keypad (Fig 4.1)
  • Enter the required quantity
  • Click OK
  • The update will be reflected in the order list (Fig 4.2)
Fig 4.1   Fig 4.2  

Changing Price/Tax/Discount

  • Click on the Price for the item to be changed
  • A menu will be displayed allowing for selection of Price/Discount/Tax Rate (Fig 5.1)
  • Select the required option 
  • A window will be displayed with a Keypad (Fig 5.2)
  • Enter the required value
  • Click OK
  • The update will be reflected in the order list (Fig 5.3)
Fig 5.1   Fig 5.2   Fig 5.3  


An item in the order list with a quantity of 2 or more can be split up. This takes one away from that product quantity, and places that one product on its own line of the product list. This allows the abilty to change the properties of on product that you have more than one of.

For example, I have a customer that wants 2 of the same product, however, one has a Tax rate of 20% and the other has a tax rate of 10%, by splitting the order, I can have the same product appear twice in the order list, with different properties.

  • Click on the SKU/Title for the item to be changed
  • A menu will be displayed allowing for selection of Delete/Split (Fig 6.1)
  • Select the required option (Split)
  • The item will be automatically split
  • The update will be reflected in the order list (Fig 6.2)

Fig 6.1   Fig 6.2  


If an item in the order list is no longer required it can simply be deleted

  • Click on the SKU/Title for the item to be changed
  • A menu will be displayed allowing for selection of Delete (Fig 7.1)
  • Select Delete and the item will be removed

Fig 7.1  

Completing the Transaction

  • Once the customer is ready to pay for the order, click the Complete (Fig 8.1) button to display the payment method screen
  • The payment method screen will be displayed allowing for selection of Cash, Card, Cash/Card or Coupon (Fig 8.2)

Fig 8.1   Fig 8.2  


  • Enter the amount of Cash provided by the customer (Fig 9.1)
  • Any change will be displayed
  • Click Complete

Fig 9.1  


  • A screen displaying the amount to be paid will be displayed (Fig 10.1)
  • Use the card machine to take the payment
  • Click Complete

Fig 10.1  


  • A screen displaying the amount to be paid will be displayed (Fig 11.1)
  • Enter the amount that is being paid with cash on the left 
  • The system will automatically charge the remainder to card
  • Click Complete

Fig 11.1  


  • Coupons are created in Linnworks for use through EPOS
  • Documentation on creating coupons can be found here
  • Scan/enter the coupon (Fig 12.1)
  • Click Find to validate the coupon
  • Click complete
  • Take the payment for the discounted total using Cash/Card
  • The order after the coupon has beem validated (Fig 12.2)
Fig 12.1   Fig 12.2