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EPOS - Gettings Started

Accessing EPOS

Accessing EPOS can be achieved by either of the following methods

  • Start Menu -> Linn Systems -> Linnworks -> EPOS (Fig 1.1)
  • Shortcut from Desktop (Fig 1.2)
Fig 1.1 EPOS Start Menu Fig 1.2 EPOS Desktop

Logging In

  • Cache System Data ~ On starting EPOS the following screen (Fig 2.1) is displayed.
  • Clicking Yes will synchronise the epos system with the Linnworks database
  • Linnworks epos system allows the user to locally store product details on the client system, because the epos client will not be running on the same system as the Linnwoprks database
  • This means that in an event where the epos system cannot connect to Linnworks, a sale can still be made using the data stored on the local computer.

It is recommended to cache product data

  • At the start of the day
  • When you have changed product details in Linnworks
  • When adding new users a cache must occur

If there is a problem with the network, the epos system will still function based on the data that was last downloaded and stored in the cache. This allows the till to be operated offline. 


Fig 2.1 EPOS Cache
  • Enter User Name and Password
  • Click OK

To create a new User for EPOS please refer to the following documentation on adding Users to Linnworks  User Management


Fig 2.2 EPOS Cache

The User Interface

The Linnworks EPOS user interface is split into the following distinct areas

  • Scan Field (Fig 3.1)
  • Enter the code for the item being purchase, either the Linnworks SKU or Barcode
  • Codes can be either manually typed in or entered via a barcode scanner
Fig 3.1 EPOS Start Menu 
  • Product List (Fig 3.2)
  • Provides a list of items in the current sale/transaction
  • Linnworks SKU, Item Title, Quantity, Price
Fig 3.2 EPOS Start Menu 
  • Complete Button (Fig 3.3)
  • Used to confirm the sale and take payment
Fig 3.3 EPOS Start Menu 
  • Order Information (Fig 3.4)
  • Overall costs for the current sale/transaction
Fig 3.4 EPOS Start Menu 
  • Button Panel (Fig 3.5)
  • Provides access to configuration settings and additional features
Fig 3.5 EPOS Start Menu