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June 2013

Features and fixes H393 and H394 - 28 June 2013

Magento Order Download Fix

Order Edit Screen Fix - Payment Status



Features and fixes H392 - 28 June 2013 integration is released see documentation here


- Order payment date saved where available from channel

Open Orders:

- Added option in config to refesh open orders after order processed.
- Added option to auto refesh open orders while despatch console is open
- Added audit trail to Park/Unpark order and bulk change shipping method
- Added the ability to resize the notes area in the edit notes screen

New Restrictions Added :

- Order Book
- New Order Screen: Also blocks Editing orders.
- Fix:   Add / Delete orderitems: Now Functioning- New: Restrict deleting / Cancelling orders.- New: Restrict processing orders
-  Process Orders Button
- New: Restrict processing orders
- Batch Pilot
- New: Restrict deleting order notes

Data Import: 

- Added file encoding options to the data import.

Big Commerce

- Implemented Listed Quantity, End Listings Quantity and Stock Percentage

Evaluation Engine:

- Added new functions to expression engine:  DayOfWeek, Hour, NowF, Today, nowfd

Purchase Orders

- Ability added to multi select rows in the purchase order and purchase ledger screens.

My Inventory

- Added the ability in Extended properties tab of the edit stock item screen to select from a list of existing existing extended properties.

Product Image Import

- Added the ability to set primary image by added the column IsPrimary and setting the field to be either true or false.

EKM Powershop

- Implemented EKM Traffic light. Only orders with a confirmed (green) payment status will be marked as paid


Fulfillment Centre Location Automation

- Added support for SFTP

Inventory Upgraded to sync from specific locations. Max listed quantity, end when quantity and stock percentage features

- AspDotNetStoreFront
- 3D Cart
- Shopify
- Volusion
- Easywebstore
- Hitmeister
- EKM Powershop

- Priceminister




 - Added folder select dialogue for Slideshow image

Open Orders:

 - When bin-rack changed, open orders required close and reopoen to update, changed to now require refresh.
 - Insufficient stock fix where composition not calculated correctly
- Fixed issue with duplicated group selections being duplicated.
 - Fixed issue where assignment to folder was not being set properly


 - Assignment location fixed where inventory sync was from one location- Improvements made to order save

Automation Data Import: 

 - Resolved issue where specific location properties not set caused import to fail.

Purchase Orders:

 - Local User Purchase Order Fix: Cannot assign a default value to a local variable.

System Tax:

 - Resolved issue where no tax settings are set caused order to show large negative for tax. Now defaults to 0


 - Fixed error where file format different for mapping tool. Changed to have file mapping therefore catering for multiple file formats.

My Inventory

 - Stock item label print fixed where search for over 1000 caused error.

Drop Shipping

 - Drop ship email only sent to default supplier


 - Corrected Balance for EPOS Created Coupons

Purchase Orders

- Fixed issue where open order stock levels not refreshing correctly where PO items changed/saved- Added additional error checking on save.


 - Fixed Error with importing min/max listed quantities.

Shipping Mapping

 - Fixed issue with special characters used with shipping mapping (Use of Apostophe's)

Automation Import

 - Improved error messaging where columns where incorrect or duplicated.


 - Resolved issue where direct orders were created with unlinked items

eBay Integration:

 - When refresh list is actioned user is no required for refresh to finish, caused mapping issues if closed early.

Scripting Wizzard:

 - Resolved issue with order save

Fulfilment Centre FTP Stock

 - FTP stock deduction now functioning


 - Resolved issue where billing address not being saved correctly
- Improved error checking on inventory updates

EKM Powershop

 - Improved test button by added progress rather than causing hang.

Data Import

 - Fixed issue with Company name not importing



Hotfix 391 - 06 June 2013


New feature

  • Scripting SFTP Support ~ SFTP Support added to scripting


Bug Fixes

  • Macro Editor ~ Closing parameters builder closed Macro editor without saving
  • Macro Editor ~ Allow saving of template built macros


Hotfix 390 - 05 June 2013


Bug Fixes

  • Magento ~ Fix for Magento orders not downloading


Hotfix 388/389 - 05 June 2013


New feature

  • Large Image Hosting ~ The maximum Image size hosted on the Linn Systems servers has been increased to 1800*1800


Hotfix 387 - 05 June 2013


New feature

  • Advisor ~ Generic Integration errors split out into multiple rows
  • Amazon - Added visibility for Document ID where Channel SKU has error for tracing purposes
  • Easy Web Store - Update to EWS API references to make sure additional fields are serialized
  • Magento Inventory Request Filtering - Magento Inventory mapping improvement to deal with large inventories in the mapping tool


Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Webstore mapping - Fixed issue where account is set as webstore however has marketplace keys
  • Analytics - Fix for issue when bothOrder Total and Order Cost measurements are selected
  • Automation Import / Export - Underscores are now allowed
  • Autonomous Sync ~ Autosync / Local buttons within script designer linked to switch on script list.
  • Big Commerce - Order status mapping fix to meet changes made to the Big Commerce API
  • Big Commerce - Fix for where shipping address not provided through API
  • Macro Editor - Allow saving of template built macros
  • Pick List - Fix to include missing columns
  • Priceminister - Inventory update fix
  • Purchase Order Screen - Fix to allow sorting by Supplier Name
  • Purchase Order Due Value - Fix to recalculate order value when quantity is edited
  • Royal Mail - Implementation of the Safe Place functionality for tracked service.  Please see
  • Royal Mail - Improvement to manifest submission to stop some service merging incorrectly