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December 2013

Weekly Patch H460 -  18 December 2013

Note that due to the proximity to the holiday period we have only decided to release changes that do not impact on core functionality.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

Module Title Description
Manual Data Import
Composition Tracked Status
Tracked status was not set for items that had never had a stock level set
Same Key Error

An item with the same key has already been added

Changed to

You have duplicate column header names in the import file. Please remove them then retry the import

Geopost Postcode Validation Changes to validation for postcodes greater than 7 characters 
ZPL Generation Improved Performance
Default Weight Option in config to provide a default weight per shipment if no weight is provided
UK Mail Latest collection time

1001 - Requested Collection Time is After latest Collection Time For The Specified Postcode

This notice from UK Mail will no longer be treated as an error. The collection will be booked if there are no other errors. 

UI change  Display certain information which was previously not fully visible

Weekly Patch H459 -  11 December 2013


Module Title Description
eBay Max Listed Quantity, End When Stock and Stock Percentage
  1. Manual Data import now works for old and new integration types
  2. Item specific values can be imported and exported through the eBay mapping tool from the right click menu.
  3. Item specific values are now visible in the eBay mapping log
  4. If using SKU mapping, old extended properties are converted to be used by the new routines upon a data import.
All updates to the item specific values have to be corrected through either the manual data import tool or the import tool contained within the eBay mapping tool
If not using SKU mapping, the Max Listed Quantity property will still be visible against the stock item. However changing them directly or through the extended properties import will not affect the listing.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

Module Title Description

XML Remove Namespaces

Fixed the RemoveNameSpaces method that was removing sku's that begin with XSI
Data Lookup Query Performance  Increased overall performance of stock item lookup 
Evaluation Engine Contains Expression Contains function now compares correct values
Fulfilment Centre Automation Test URL's Test methods for Fulfilments centre url test buttons implemented.
Amazon  FBA Currency Conversion  Config option to convert currency at a 1-1 rate for international FBA purposes
Generic Integration   Query Designer OK button  Re-sizing of the Query Designer to display the "OK" button by default. 
Magento Custom price and discounts Custom price will now be recalculated using ex tax value
CreateALL progress bar  Progress bar in mapping tool reports correctly
PlayTrade  Listing on PlayTrade  Listings were not successfully being created due to a casting error

Hotfix H458 -  06 December 2013

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

Module Title Description
Order.LoadStockItemDetails Composite fix 
LoadStockItemDetails did not load all details for composite granular items in an order. 

UPS Invoice currency fix Invoice currency changed from sellers to buyers currency
BigCommerce Larger Orders fix  Increase allowance from 50 to 250 order items per order

Hotfix H457 -  05 December 2013

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

Module Title Description
eBay Service Reference Update Update to eBay services to resolve issue with additional end reasons supplied

Weekly Patch H456 -  04 December 2013


Module Title Description
Stock Item Copy Now copies composition When copying a composite parent Inventory Item the links to the child items are also copied
DPD ZPL printing  Where the selected printer supports the ZPL format, this can be used
Interlink ZPL printing  Where the selected printer supports the ZPL format, this can be used

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

Module Title Description
Designer Fixes
Updates to the Linnworks interface
  1. Drop down resize in return and exchange booking
  2. Scrap item visibility restored in return and exchange booking
  3. Scrap item columns can be resized
  4. Stock count page refreshes on new count

Timing for opeing Cash Drawer

Set the cash drawer to open after entering the amount paid
Inventory Dashboard

Rounding error fix

Each item had it's stock value rounded to a whole number causing massive rounding discrepencies on the location row
New Order

Product Search Bug Fix

The product search control would not find an item if it was not assigned to a category.
Open Orders Fixed infinite item scan loop where barcode was not found When a barcode was not found in the item scanning screen, the dialogue giving the error message would keep reapearing upon clicking No.
Shipping Mapping Channel based shipping mapping fix
  1. Shipping service delete now possible
  2. Handle blank tag lines on save
Stock In

Composite Child Levels Fix

When booking in a composite item, the granular levels were not updated.
3D Cart

Resolution to disapearing accounts

If an error occurred whilst loading a 3D Cart account, the account would not be present during the save and would be removed.

Order item calculation fix

Correct values for order item price per unit and cost including tax

FBA Calculation fix

Corrected values for FBA order item price per unit for multiple line items.

Max Listed Quantity - Calculation Adjustments

Fix for Specified cast error that appeared during relisting

Default Postcode and NotProvided Region on eBay orders

Fixed eBay orders showing "Default" in the postcode field and "NotProvided" in the region field.

DPD Registration Fix
Fixed "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error on registration

Package mapping fix

Package mapping was being duplicated upon every save causing label printing to take excessive time.
UK Mail

Landscape Mode fix

Landscape mode now prints on label in correct orientation.