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Add New


Through a simple example this sections covers the principles of adding a new Ruleset to test 2 conditions and subsequently set an appropriate action when the condition is matched

Example Requirement

Parameters ~ Order Total Value

Index Condition Action
1 Order Total is less than or equal to £100 Assign an untracked First Class shipping service to the Order
2 Order Total Value is greater than £100 Assign a tracked shipping service to the Order


1. Add a New Rule

  • Add a new rule, by clicking the Add new rule button located at the top right of the screen. (Fig 1.1)
  • Enter a unique rule Name (Fig 1.2), click Create
  • A row will be added to the grid for the new rule that 
    • By default is disabled 
    • The status is Draft until conditions are added and the Rule is saved
Fig 1.1   Fig 1.2 

2. Open the Edit Rule interface

  • Click the Edit (pencil) button to open the rule edit window. (Fig 2.1)
Fig 2.1

Rules can be viewed by clicking the View (magnifying glass) button
Rules can be copied by clicking the Duplicate (2 pages) button
The sequence that rules are executed can be adjusted by using the arrow buttons
Rules can be removed by clicking the the Delete (Bin) button

3. Conditions

  • All rulesets begin with a Start node on the left (Fig 3.1)
  • Each condition is checked to see if a match can be found
    • Match found - check the next condtion to the right
    • Match Not found  - check the next condition below 
  • Each condition will be evaluated using this process until an Action is reached
  • Once an Action is reached no further conditions will be evaluated
Fig 3.1 

4. Add 1st Condtion

  • Click Add New (Fig 4.1)
  • Enter a meaningful Condition Name
  • Select the Parameter to Evaluate, eg Total charge (Fig4.2)
  • Select the evaluation Method, eg less than or equal to (Fig 4.3)
  • Enter the value to evaluate against, eg 100 (Fig 4.4)
  • Click Save condition (Fig 4.5)
  • The new condition will be added to the Rule (Fig 4.6)
Fig 4.1   Fig 4.2  Fig 4.3 
Fig 4.4   Fig 4.5   Fig 4.6 

5. Add 1st Action

  • Click Add new to the right of the newly created condition (Fig 5.1)
  • Select Action at the top of the dialog (Fig 5.2)
  • Enter a meaningful Action Name (Fig 5.3), eg 1st Class Untracked
  • Select Action Type from the drop down (Fig 5.4), eg Assign postal service to order
  • Enter Action Value (Fig 5.5)
    • Start typing to display potential matches in a drop down list
    • Select the required service / folder from the drop down
  • Click Save action (Fig 5.6)
Fig 5.1   Fig 5.2   Fig 5.3 
Fig 5.4   Fig 5.5   Fig 5.6 

6. Add 2nd Condtion / Action

  • Click Add New to start building the 2nd condition / Action
  • Use the the process as in Sections 4 and 5 above, but using the relevant parameters/conditions/action
    • Condition 
      • Name - Tracked
      • Evaluation Parameter - Total charge
      • Evaluation method - Greater than
      • Evaluation value - 100
    • Action
      • Name - Tracked
      • Type - Assign postal service to order
      • Value - RM 1st Class Tracked
Fig 6.1

7. Save Rule

  • Once all conditions and actions have been added click Save
Fig 7.1

Editing and Testing