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Financial Summary

Provides overall Sales, Negatives, Purchases and Stock value grouped by currency in tabular form across a selected date range. Fig 1.1

Fig 1.1  Financial Summary Selection


  • Click the Report to refresh the values for the selected date range
    • Set the Start Date  and the End Date (Fig 1.2)
    • Click View Report (Fig 1.3)
    • Select required Currency from the drop down (Fig 1.4)
  • Combined currency takes exchange rates from the European Central Bank
Fig 1.2  Financial Summary Fig 1.3  Financial Summary Fig 1.4  Financial Summary


  • Selection Criteria (Sales)
    • Orders placed on the channel with in the specified date range and downloaded to Linnworks
    • All Processed orders
    • Order Status is set as Paid, Return or Resend
  • Values Reported (Sale)
    • Subtotal ~ sum of order sub totals broken down by currency of Order
    • Tax ~ sum of order tax totals broken down by currency of Order
    • Shipping (exc tax) ~ sum of order shipping totals broken down by currency of Order
Fig 2.0 Financial Summary

Sales Details

  • It is possible to view the breakdown of Sales per day by clicking on the maginfying glass in the Sales Header
Fig 2.1 Financial Summary


  • Selection Criteria (Negatives)
    • Orders placed on the channel and marked as Refunded in Linnworks with in the specified date range
    • The specified date range is applied based on the refund date within Linnworks
    • Order must have been Processed
  • Values Reported (Negatives)
    • Sum of refunds broken down by currency
Fig 3.0 Financial Summary

Negatives Details

  • It is possible to view the breakdown of Negatives per day by clicking on the maginfying glass in the Negatives Header
Fig 2.1 Financial Summary


  • Selection Criteria (Purchases)
    • Purchase Orders marked as delivered with in the specified date range
  • Values Reported (Purchases)
    • Subtotal ~ sum of purchase order sub totals broken down by currency
    • Tax ~ sum of purchase order tax totals broken down by currency
    • Shipping (exc tax) ~ sum of order shipping totals broken down by currency
    • Returned ~ Sum of the value of all items marked as returned on Purchase Order
Fig 4.0 Financial Summary


  • Selection Criteria (Stock)
    • All Stock movement with in the specified date range
  • Values Reported (Stock)
    • Begin ~ Opening Total for specified date range
    • Shipped ~ Value of stock shipped by processing orders
    • Scrapped ~ Value of stock marked as scrapped
    • Returned ~ Value of stock booked back in to Linnworks through the Returns process
    • Added ~ Value of the stock with the following tags
      • Fulfilment Sync SKUXXXXXXXX
      • Purchase Item OrderXXXXXXX
      • Stock Booked In directly XXXXXXX
      • Create item from XXXXXX inventory mapping
      • Imported from file
      • Channel SKU Added
      • Stock level created from import file
    • Adjusted ~ other processes that has caused a change in stock value
      • Change due to Order shipped
      • Change due to Item scrapped
      • Change due to Order return
      • Chage due to Fulfilment centre sync
      • Creation from inventory mapping
      • Purchase Order Item
      • Import from file
      • Opening stock
      • Channel SKU added
    • Subtotal ~ The difference bewtween Begin and End
    • End ~ Closing Total for specified date range
Fig 5.0 Financial Summary