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Query data


The query data dahsboard contains a set of reports allowing you to anaylse and summarise data stored about your inventory and order information

Accessing Query Data

  • Select Dashboards > Query Data Fig 1.1
Fig 1.1  Settings

Choosing a Report

  • Select the required report from the Query Type drop down box Fig 2.1
  • Some reports require parameters to be set prior to execution Fig 2.2
  • Once all the required parameters are set click Execute to generate the report Fig 2.1
  • After running the report it is possible to Output the report in CSV format by clicking Export button Fig 2.3
Fig 2.1 Settings  Fig 2.2 Settings  Fig 2.3 Settings

Report Types

  • Custom - facility to run custom reports, in the form of SQL scripts.
  • Financialdata related to financial information recorded by Linnworks
  • Inventory - data related to Linnworks Inventory
  • Listings - data related to mapped Listings mapped within Linnworks
  • Orders - data related Orders downloaded to Linnworks
  • Purchasing - data related to purchasing new stock for Linnworks
  • Additional - data not directly related to the categories above