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Stock Consumption Dashboard

Stock consumption retreives data on a specific inventory item to provide an instant overview of levels over a specific date range. Fig 1.1

  • Quantity
  • Value 
  • Shipped levels
Fig 1.1 Settings
  • Location
    • Use this to filter levels from the required Location
    • It is not possible to report across multiple Locations in a single report
 Fig 1.2 Settings
  • Find Stock Item
    • Click and enter the SKU or Title to find and select the required inventory item
  • Item Details
    • SKU and Item Title are displayed for the selected Inventory Item
 Fig 1.3 Settings
  • Display Options
    • Period
      • Set the desired range over which the consumption rate is to checked
    • Group By
      • Over the selected Period aggregate the levels by the selected Group
  • View
    • Click the View buttom to display the stock consumption graph and table
Fig 1.4 Settings
  • Graph
    • Displays Quantity, Stock Value and Shipped with orders levels
    • Each measured value can be hidden or displayed by clicking on the title in the legend below the graph to toggle the visibilty within the graph
 Fig 1.5 Settings
  • Table
    • The same values are displayed in a tabular form based on the change date for stock item
 Fig 1.6 Settings