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Autonomous Sync Scripting


With Autonomous Synchronisation it is possible run scripts during every Sync


  • Scripting in Linnworks allows you to inject your own automation behaviour into the system. 
  • In other words you can write your own little programs which are executed during the synchronization. 
  • The script can amend an order, add new items, send emails, split orders automatically and many other things
  • Order Scripting (see Scripting – Orders), which is executed against every open or processed order on the system

Quick Guide - Configuring Scripts

  • 1. Enable Autonomous Synchronisation for your account -> ensure under 'Channel Integration' that Automous synchronization is activated
  • 2. Edit Order Automation -> 'Order Book' -> 'Open Orders' -> 'Right Click' -> 'Configuration' -> 'Order Automation'
  • 3. Enable the required script -> set both the 'Enabled' and 'AutoSync' indicators to 'ON'

Quick Guide - Debugging Scripts

  • 1. Edit Order Automation -> 'Order Book' -> 'Open Orders' -> 'Right Click' -> 'Configuration' -> 'Order Automation'
  • 2. Edit the script
  • 3. Debug the Script Locally -> Select option 'Locally'  ->  Click  Run test
  • 4. Debug the Script on AutoSync Server -> Select option 'AutoSync'  -> Click 'Run Test'

Quick Guide - Viewing Script Logs

  • 1. Login to
  • 2. Under 'Automation Log' select the required script
  • 3. Click on 'View Log' 

Detailed Guide - Configuring Scripts

1. Enable Autonomous Synchronisation 

  • Login to your Linnworks account
  • Navigate to 'Settings' >  'Channel Integration' > 'Auto Sync Settings' (Fig 1.1)
  • Enable Autonomous Synchronisation with On / Off button at the top right (Fig 1.2)
Fig 1.1     Fig 1.2    

2. Edit Order Automation

  • 'Order Book' -> 'Open Orders'
  • 'Right Click' -> 'Configuration' -> 'Order Automation'

3. Enable the required Script

  • Select the required script
  • Set both the 'Enabled' and 'AutoSync' indicators to 'ON
Fig 3.1 

Detailed Guide - Debugging Scripts

1. Edit Order Automation

  • 'Order Book' -> 'Open Orders'
  • 'Right Click' -> 'Configuration' -> 'Order Automation'

2. Edit Script

  • Select script and click to Edit

3. Debug the script Locally

  • Select Option 'Locally'
  • Click 'Run Test' to test the script using your local Pc

4. Debug the script on AutoSync

  • Select Option 'AutoSync'
  • Click 'Run Test' to test the script using the Autonomous Synhronisation Server
Fig 4.1 

Detailed Guide - Viewing Script Logs

1. LogIn

  • Login to
Fig 1.1      

2. Automation Logs

  • Naviagte to 'Settings' > 'Automation Logs' 
  • Select the Job Category 'Script' and locate the log
Fig 2.1 

3. View Log

  • Click View Log

For further information see our documentation on Automation Logs.

Fig 3.1