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AspDotNetStorefront Location Mapping


The following feature has been designed to extend the control over the stock levels sent to AspDotNetStorefront by allowing the selection of multiple, specific Linnworks stock locations which can be used to set the stock level on the AspDotNetStorefront listings.  Any locations ticked will have the stock taken to fulfill orders for AspDotNetStorefront, do not tick the location if you wish the stock to not be taken from this location. If all locations are required, please just tick the initial Inventory Update from Location tick box.

Quick Guide

Here's the quick version of the instructions, for those that are already comfortable with performing such tasks. If you require full instructions please refer to the Detailed Guide

1. Goto Settings -> Channel Integration 
2. Click Config for AspDotNetStorefront
3. Enable Update Inventory from Location 
4. Click Location Mapping opening the Location Mapping Screen
5. Enable required Location(s) by ticking the box next to them
6. Apply changes -> Save changes

Detailed Guide

By default Linnworks will share the total available stock level for all locations to the channel during the sync. This can be restricted to specific location using the following steps:

1. Settings -> Channel Integration.

  • Open Settings in Linnworks. 
  • Select Channel Integration
Fig 1.1 SettingsFig 1.2Settings

2. Click Config.

  • Select the row for the required channel. 
  • Click the Config button to edit the required Channel
Fig 2.1Settings

3. Enable Inventory Update from Location

  • Tick the option Update Inventory from Location
Fig 3.1aspdotnetstorefrontLM_thumb.png

4. Click Location Mapping for Channel Location Mapping Screen

  • Click the button Location Mapping to open the Channel Location Mapping Screen
Fig 4.1  

5. Enable required Location(s)

  • Enable each required location by selecting and adding a tick
Fig 5.1 LocationMapping

6. Save Changes

  • Click Apply Changes in the Location Mapping Screen
  • Click Save in AspDotNetStorefront Config page
Fig 6.1 Settings Fig 6.2 AspdotnetstorefrontSC_thumb.png
Please Note: This will take stock from any location that is ticked. If you want all the channels to be used just tick the initial Inventory Update from Location as this ticks all locations by default.