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The following reports return data related to Linnworks Inventory

  • Composite Export
  • Consumption Rate - Avg Stock Normal Distribution - No Spikes
  • Consumption Rate - Avg Stock Rate
  • Consumption Rate - Avg Stock Rate by Supplier
  • Consumption Rate - Based on Availability
  • Consumption Rate by Subsource
  • Extended Properties
  • Inventory - All channel linked items
  • KType By Stock Item
  • Product Images
  • Product Suppliers
  • Sold Granular - Between Dates
  • Sold Stock Between Dates (by Location and Source)
  • Sold Stock Between Dates (by Source)
  • Sold Stock between dates (with country, service)
  • Stock Consumption Pivoted search
  • Stock Item Sold Pivoted Monthly
  • Stock Items (no levels)
  • Stock items (with levels)
  • Stock Items By KType
  • Stock Items by Location and BinRack (with Levels)
  • Stock Levels - CombinedStock Levels (select by category)
  • Stock Movement
  • Stock sold between dates (by Location and Currency)
  • Unsold between dates by channel