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Custom Report


There is the facility to run custom reports, in the form of SQL scripts if you have a requirement that isn't met by the included standard reports. If you have the skill set in house these can be written by your own team; details of the database structure for the most commonly requested tables can be found here.

If you required these to be written for you the Linn Systems scripting team are able to provide this option as a chargeable service. Please create a support ticket with all the details of the report you would like created, and we will contact you regarding a quote.

  • Select <<Custom Script>>  as the required report from the Query Type drop down box Fig 3.1
  • Double click on the line "SELECT output='Please edit the script by double clicking on this description'"
  • The script editor dialog will be displayed Fig 3.2
  • Paste or type your script here
  • Click 'Apply' when done to save the query and return to the Query Data screen
  • Click the 'Execute' button to run the query and produce the required custom report
Fig 3.1 Settings  Fig 2.2 Settings