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Inventory management

Stock Item Import

Stock Item Import from a Local File

This sample code will allow you to create new products by SKU. You can import the SKU, Item Title, Item Description, Retail Price, Purchase Price, Category, Weight, Barcode, Height, Width, Depth and Tax Rate.

  • The script will read your items from a CSV file from a local file so that you need to specify the full path as filename.
  • By default the script will use the following values as column headers.
    • sku  (required)
    • title (recommended)
    • description (recommended)
    • retailprice (recommended)
    • purchaseprice (recommended)
    • category (recommended)
    • weight (recommended)
    • barcode (recommended)
    • height (optional)
    • width (optional)
    • depth (optional)
    • tax(optional)
  • If the category doesn’t exist the script will create a new one.
  • If the tax is not specified it will use 0 as default tax rate. 
     Fig 1.1 


It will use a comma as a default delimiter and double quotes as text qualifier. However you can set up different values by editing:

  • delimiter
  • textseparator

What is a delimiter?

A delimiter is character that separates and defines the columns, commonly this can be a comma or tab.

What is a “Text Qualifier”?

A text qualifier defines the bounds of the column, for example if a description is being imported and has commas a qualifier is needed to make sure the commas aren’t read as the end of the columns.


Stock Item Import from FTP

This sample code will allow you to create new products by SKU as the stock Item Import from a Local file. 

  • In this case the csv file will be read from a given FTP location.
     Fig 1.2 

Stock Level Update


Stock Level Update from a Local File

Get a CSV stock feed from a local file and updates the stock in give location.

  • Sku column and stock level column are required.
  • For the given location the stock level of all stock items will be updated. 
     Fig 2.1 

Stock Level Update from supplier CSV file (URL)

Get a CSV stock feed from supplier URL and updates stock from supplier in given location. 

  • This scritp can be configured to update by SKU or supplierCode, also to zero stock that is not present in the feed (file delimiter can be set).
     Fig 2.2 

Stock Item Update

Automatically add default extended properties

The script adds default extended properties in bulk.

  • This scritp inserts into the database a new extended property for all stock items.
  • Property name, value and type will be defined as parameters. 
     Fig 3.1 

Supplier Management 

Set Default Supplier to the Cheapest supplier

This script update the default supplier for a given group of stock items. 

  • This script will get the cheapest suppliers of all stock items in a specifyed category.
  • The chepeast supplier will be set as the default supplier.
  • If a category is blank, then it will affect all stock items.
     Fig 4.1