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Product Description and attribute import

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Each product in Linnworks can have multiple descriptions, titles and pricings. The description can be HTML with embedded tags or plain text. Product title, description and price can be assigned to a specific channel or act as a default value. When specific channel value for either title, description or price is not specified for a product the default value will be used when listing it.

This documentation describes how to use Product Description import tool to bulk insert/update product descriptions, titles, attributes and pricing.

Product Description, attributes, pricing import

Prepare CSV file to import

The import tool is designed to import data from Comma Delimited text file. The file must contain column called SKU.

The other columns in the file are used to store product attributes (color, size, brand etc), tags (for merging into a description when importing data), product description, price and title. The names of the columns are flexible and can be mapped to the expected names during the import process. Please note there is a limit of 50 characters on Attribute Name and a limit of 2000 characters on the Attribute Value.

Example of the CSV file

 SKU Title Price  Description  Size  Color  Brand  Suitable For  Material  Ages 
 SKU001 Boys shoes - 8.5 UK – Black  19.99 Very cool shoes for boys…  8.5 Black  ShoeMe  Boys  Leather  3-5 years 
 SKU002 Girls shoes – 8 UK - Green  17.99 Very cool shoes for girls...   8 Green  ShoeMe  Girls  Denim/Leather  3-5 years 

Open the product description import tool

To open the import tool

  • Start > Programs > Linn Systems > Linnworks > Tools > Data Import
  • Select Product Descriptions and Attributes from the drop down list
  • Click Next
  • This will open a separate tool

Select CSV file

Choose the file you want to import and specify which channel you want the description, titles and pricing to apply. Default – means the imported description, title and price will be applied if there is no specific value for a particular channel the product is being listed on.



eBay Multiple Listings

LinnLive has the ability to list the same inventory item under different titles, prices and descriptions. To do this you will need to add suffix tags to the subsource to identify each listing uniquely.

The suffixes work in the following way.

Listing Number Subsource Identifier
1 EBAY1_1
2 EBAY1_2


Column Mapping

Column Mapping screen allows you to map columns in your CSV file to types being imported.

Title – product title for specified channel
Price – product retail price – the values in the CSV file must be numeric.
Attributes – the attribute value will be imported into Extended Property of a product.
Tag – tag is text that can be used in the Description merge

To map the columns select the appropriate type by double clicking on the Type cell and select from the drop down box. Set a column to [Ignore] if the data in the cell does not need to be imported.

Description Template

Description can be imported as a plain text or HTML. The product description can have embedded tags, attributes and expressions. In basic terms you can have one description template and merge different properties of a product to create a specific product description. Consider the following diagram,

The data importing tool will transform the description template into a product description using product’s title, description text and attributes.

The template itself can have expressions. Expression is a way to output text conditionally. For example it is common to check whether an attribute with a certain name exists and if so, output the attribute value, if the value is empty output nothing.

Enter the description template on the left hand side, the right hand side panel will display the preview of the description. You can navigate to a specific item SKU to view the transformed template.

Preview Import

The step lets you make final adjustments to titles, and attributes, view merged descriptions.


Click Import to being import process.


Language Tags

Once the imports have completed, country specific titles, prices and descriptions will be added to the item where a language specific was selected.



Expressions - How to

How to create image thumbnail view?

In product description screen insert expression snippet – Internal Image selector.

<img id="im" width="400" height="400" src="[{PRODUCT_IMAGE1}]" border="0">
<a onclick="document.getElementById('im').src='[{PRODUCT_IMAGE1}]'"><img src="[{PRODUCT_THUMBIMAGE1}]"/></a>
<a onclick="document.getElementById('im').src='[{PRODUCT_IMAGE2}]'"><img src="[{PRODUCT_THUMBIMAGE2}]"/></a>
<a onclick="document.getElementById('im').src='[{PRODUCT_IMAGE3}]'"><img src="[{PRODUCT_THUMBIMAGE3}]"/></a>

How to insert RRP price crossed over and the actual price of the product displayed next to it?

Import RRP price as an attribute. And use to following expression snippet.

RRP <del><b>({=N2[[{PRODUCT_PROPERTY_RRP PRICE}]]})</b></del><br>
Our Price ({=N2[[{PRODUCT_RRP}]]})</br>


How to output a list of product features as a list?

Import product features as attributes (Product Feature 1, Product Feature 2, Product Feature 3 etc). Use the following snippet to output HTML list

 ({IF["[{Product Feature 1}]"!=""]})
  [{Product Feature 1}]
 ({IF["[{Product Feature 2}]"!=""]})
  [{Product Feature 2}]
 ({IF["[{Product Feature 3}]"!=""]})
  [{Product Feature 3}]

Videos and Files

Product Description and Attributes import tool - Linnworks

This video demonstrates how to use Product Description import tool to bulk insert/update product descriptions, titles, attributes and pricing.