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Product Image import (bulk picture upload)

Videos for this article

Image bulk upload utility allows you to upload product images into Linnworks from URL, local hard drive or network location. You will need to CSV file which contains SKU and product image URL or path. The utility can also load images from folder on your PC where the name of the file represents the SKU of a product.

Upload images from CSV file

  • Prepare a comma delimited file with two columns SKU and FilePath
  • Populate the file with SKU of products you want to upload product images for and their relative path. The path can be any location on your PC or URL of an image.


Note: if location on your PC, make sure the program has rights to read from the folder


  • Open Data Import tool from Start > Programs > Linn Systems > Linnworks > Tools > Data Import
  • Select Product Images from the drop down box
  • Click Next
  • Bulk Image Import for Linnworks utility will be opened
  • Select the CSV file you have prepared

  • Click Start Import to begin loading
  • The progress will be reflected on the screen

  • If the product image uploaded successfully the record will be highlighted in green and status will state Uploaded. If there was an error it will be highlighted in red.

Uploading Images from a folder

Bulk image upload utility can upload JPG and PNG images from a folder. The file name represents the SKU.

If multiple images are required for the same SKU, then multiple folders are required as it is not possible to have the same image name repeated within a single folder

  • Open Data Import tool from Start > Programs > Linn Systems > Linnworks > Tools > Data Import
  • Select Product Images from the drop down box
  • Click Next
  • Bulk Image Import for Linnworks utility will be opened
  • Click … next to From Directory and navigate to the folder where your product images are located
  • Click Start Import

Uploading Multiple Images for one SKU

To do this, a CSV needs to be created in this format


Setting Primary Image during Import from CSV file

  • Prepare a comma delimited file with an additional column called IsPrimary
  • To set one of the images as the Primary Image, set the value for this column to True

Deleting product images in bulk

  • Prepare a comma delimited file with two columns SKU and FilePath
  • Populate the file with SKUs of products.Put DELETE in the FilePath for every SKU you want to delete


Note: All images for a particular SKU will be deleted.
  • Open Data Import tool from Start > Programs > Linn Systems > Linnworks > Tools > Data Import
  • Select Product Images from the drop down box
  • Click Next
  • Bulk Image Import for Linnworks utility will be opened
  • Select the CSV file you have prepared
  • Click Start to delete product images for the listed SKUs

Videos and Files

Import product images in bulk

This video demonstrates how to bulk import product images into Linnworks from CSV file or from a folder on your PC