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Packing List

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Packing List

Packing list is essentially a list of all orders with order items. It can be thought off as reverse of Pick List. For example, the Pick List shows all items you need to pick and despatch with orders, whereas packing list displays all orders that need to be despatched with order items under each order line.

Both Pick List and Packing List can be used for optimizing the order fulfilment process.

Printing Packing List

You can print packing list from open orders screen, by selecting multiple orders >  right click > Print > Print Packing List

Configuring and customizing Packing List

Packing lists is based on a template. Therefore to change the layout and to specify what type of information you want to see on the packing list, you need to modify the packing list template.

  • Settings > Template Designer
  • Edit or add new templates to Packing List type

Packing list does not have any variables and only has one table, which lists all the orders and order items are included as Sub-Table

See How to Edit Template and How to Edit Template Table

Using Packing Slip for order fulfilment process.

You can configure packing list to have order id as barcode value in the table. General practice when using packing lists to pick and process orders is to pick in a specific order and arrange in the same order for despatch. You can use Despatch Console by scanning the order id and bringing up the order processing screen. Or Despatch Console also allows you to scan all the barcodes and batch process all orders on the list.

Videos and Files

Pick List - Printing and Configuring

This video shows how to print pick lists in linnworks and how to customize the pick list info and layout. In addition we also make some suggestions regarding how the pick list can be used to reduce fulfilment time.

Packing List - Printing. Order fulfilment and processing using Packing list

This video shows how to print packing lists in linnworks and how to customize the packing list info and layout. In addition we also make some suggestions regarding how the packing list can be used to reduce fulfilment time.